Order allow,deny Deny from all Order allow,deny Deny from all Corporate Policy – Gabrich Group

Corporate Policy & Responsibility


Local Content Policy

   Local content is defined as the active participation of Nigerians in the oil and gas sector through training, employment and the provision of goods and service.

GABRICH Group is committed to the development of the oil and gas business in Nigeria in a manner that is consistent with the Nigerian Oil & Gas Industry Content Development Act 2010 (NOGICD Act) on Nigerian Content Development (NCD).

GABRICH Group will always conduct its business consistent with the minimum Nigerian Content requirement in any project, service or product specification executed in the Nigerian oil and gas industry. In addition, GABRICH Group will always ensure that all its projects is consistent with the level set in the Schedule of The Act and any other targets as may be directed by the Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB).

Training Policy
GABRICH Group will always provide training and capacity development for its employees and the training programs are designed to achieve the following objectives:
• Build Nigerian manpower capacity and critical technical capabilities.
• Improve productivity, effectiveness, efficiency, and services by the development of qualified and competent Nigeria manpower for better utilization of talents, abilities and potentials of Nigerian personnel.
• Help Nigerian employees to develop their knowledge and skills so that they might become better qualified to perform the duties of their present jobs and advance to more responsible positions on the nationalization timeline.
• Provision for the development of national managers and supervisors capable of organising and developing goals and objectives.

Achieving set goals and targets:
• A policy of exhausting the Nigerian market before having to source its project materials and equipment externally for the execution of its project. The exception to this policy is only when the Projects requirement is otherwise.
• Further to the above, GABRICH Group resolves to sources all its materials, equipment and other consumables within the Nigerian market making use of its existing list of Nigerian suppliers/sub-contractors and newly qualified supplies/sub-contractors to achieve this aim.

Target set by board:
To meet up with the company’s Nigeria Content Development target, GABRICH Group will always makes provision for the following:
• Consideration of Nigerian manpower employment
• Training and retraining of Nigerians to develop needed technical capabilities and build requisite capacities necessary to deliver on the project
• Consideration to the purchase of Nigerian services, goods, equipment, and consumables
• Review and updates to GABRICH Group’s Nigeria Content Development millage coverage
• Meeting up with the client’s and NCDMB expectation.

GABRICH Group of companies is highly committed to development and maintaining friendly and mutually beneficial relationship with its host communities Leader, Youth Leaders and other Interest groups or prime Actors in the communities.

The company intends to achieve this objective by:
• Establishing and maintaining an effective communication channel with host communities

• Identification and implementation off air procedures for hiring of local personnel and award of petty contacts in order to give economic empowerment to a number of people effectively residing in the host communities

• Establishing a rapid response approach to complaints of the communities’ implementation of a behavior code for company employees regarding community relations and ensuring the observance thereof

• Prohibition of employees interference in local affairs as well as behavior regarded by the communities as being inconsistent or offensive to local traditions, customs or religious practices and continual monitoring of the situation as to averting any untoward development

• Participation in some social activities of the communities to promote social interrogation

• Assisting the communities in the development of identified socially beneficial projects within the limits of the Company’s activities/resources

• Assisting the communities in harnessing and developing available local manpower.

GABRICH Group believes that in successfully achieving all of the above, the outcome will be reduced costs and increased availability of, goods and services in Nigeria over time.
Furthermore, the full cycle, long-term profitability of oil and gas exploration and developments will be enhanced by the ability of current projects to generate benefits and positive social impact for Nigerians and Nigerian business environment.

* GABRICH Group will submit our Nigerian Content Plan (“plan”) to the Board to demonstrate compliance with the Nigerian content requirements of the Bill in the bidding for any license, permit or interest and before carrying out any project in the Nigerian oil and gas industry, as an operator.

* GABRICH Group will stand as one of the Nigerian independent operators to be given first consideration in the award of oil blocks, oil field licenses, oil lifting licenses and all projects for which contract is to be awarded in the Nigerian oil and gas industry subject to the fulfillment of such conditions as may be specified by the Minister.

* GABRICH Group will comply with the provisions of the Nigeria Local Content Act for promotion of Nigerian content development as major criterion for award of our operations licenses, permits and any other interest in bidding for oil exploration, production, transportation and development or any other operations in Nigerian oil and gas industry.

* GABRICH Group will partner with foreign Original Equipment Manufacturing (OEMs) companies in setting up Automobiles manufacturing/assembling plants in Nigeria.

Community And Labor Relations Policy And Plans
The labor and community relation policy of the company is aimed at ensuring peaceful management and labour relation as well as commercial company and community relations and vice versa.
To achieve this aim, the following procedures shall be adopted in the implementation plan.

Labor Relations
Company shall ensure free flow of information from management to workers and from workers to management in all matters which will affect the personnel at every stage of the operation.
Company will continue to give attention to employee’s welfare and provide adequate incentive with the aim of enhancing peaceful labor and industrial relations atmosphere.
Employees shall be encouraged to follow laid down grievance procedure in the collective agreement between the Workers and the management.

Community Relations Policy
GABRICH Group commits to building a legitimate ‘social license to operate’ in the communities and countries in which we operate. We see this as an essential foundation for our business activity.

GABRICH Group guiding principle is to enter into dialogue and engagement with the key stakeholders in our operations communities, conducted in the spirit of transparency and good faith, at all stages of company activities including, but not limited to, the following:

Conducting Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (EIA and SIA);
Holding Stakeholder Awareness Meetings (SAM) and open town hall meetings;
Employing Community Liaison Officers (CLO) to act as a bridge between communities and the Company;
Establishing representative stakeholder committees in areas of activity; and establishing a formal grievance mechanism.

* We respect local cultures and community rights, and aim to preserve or develop these, where possible, through our activities.

* We will consult with representatives of the local community and other stakeholders about activities undertaken in the areas where we operate.

* We seek to build trust and mutually beneficial relationships with local communities.

* We will implement a process for systematically receiving, investigating, responding to and closing out complaints or grievances from project-affected stakeholders in a timely, fair and consistent manner.

* We seek to contribute to enhancing the overall social and economic wellbeing of local communities in the areas where we operate, by hiring local staff and participating in local community development projects when applicable.

* We strive to deliver tangible and sustainable development opportunities to targeted populations through community infrastructure, sustainable livelihoods initiatives and economic developments.

We will deliver Community and Economic Development programs designed specifically to supplement these benefits by delivering tangible and sustainable development opportunities to targeted populations through a three-tiered approach:

Community infrastructure – health, education & water;
Sustainable livelihoods – enhanced food security & improved household incomes; and
Economic development – wealth & employment creation.
Activity in these areas may be short, medium or long-term and cover a range of initiatives. They will be designed and implemented in consultation with local communities, local and national authorities, donor organizations and NGOs.

Safety & Environmental Policy
GABRICH Group is committed to operating responsibly. Our goal is to create a working environment such that we cause no harm to people, and where we minimize our impact on the environment.

GABRICH Group manages our business in accordance with the following principles:
We will meet or surpass statutory requirements and best practice;
We will operate our business to ensure proactive risk mitigation;
We will hold ourselves and our contractors accountable for compliance with our policies and procedures;
We will provide appropriate resources and will ensure accountabilities are clear;
We will measure our performance and strive for continuous improvement;
We will plan and be prepared for potential emergencies;
We will investigate and learn from incidents; and
We will encourage open and honest communication.
Should operational results and safety ever come into conflict, we all have a responsibility to choose safety over operational results, and GABRICH Group leadership will support that choice. This includes the responsibility to stop a job wherever activities may conflict with this policy.

Security Policy
GABRICH Group’s Security Policy assists the company in creating a secure and safe work environment for our people and assets, and assists us in promoting respect for human rights and advancing best practices with governments and other stakeholders.

GABRICH Group manages security in our business in accordance with the following principles:
We will regularly assess security threats to our operations and manage the associated risks;
We will ensure that appropriate security measures are in place such that we do not expose employees and contractors to significant risk;
We will ensure that appropriate response plans are in place to minimize the impact of any security incident;

We will endeavor to ensure that security operations are conducted in compliance with national and international legal requirements and our Ethics and Human Rights policies;
We will endeavor to make contractors conducting activities for the Company aware of this policy and ensure they comply with it; the type and number of security forces deployed shall be competent, appropriate and proportional to the threat; and we will investigate and learn from security incidents.

Ethics Policy
GABRICH Group conducts its business in an honest and ethical manner reflecting the highest standards of integrity and in compliance with the relevant laws and regulations applicable to it. The Company does not offer or give, request or receive, any bribe of any description or value to obtain or retain business or to reward the improper performance of duties.

Employees must avoid “Conflicts Of Interest” between their private activities and their part in the conduct of company business. Employees must also declare any potential conflicts of interest.

Transparency & Good Governance Policy
GABRICH Group commits to working closely with governments, multilateral organizations, aid agencies, communities and the media to advocate for financial transparency and good governance to ensure the benefits of our industry are accessible to all within our countries of operation.

GABRICH Group believes that natural resources are inherently a positive contribution to any country because of the opportunities they present for foreign direct investment, revenue creation, economic growth and infrastructure development. However, we recognize that many examples exist where lack of transparency, corruption, poor governance and vested interests have thwarted these efforts.

We therefore commit to support the development of:
International best practice (i.e. Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative);
National legislation and regulations (i.e. fit-for-purpose energy policies and bills);
International legislation (i.e. US, Canadian and EU financial transparency); and
Efforts to better manage revenues for the long-term (i.e. sovereign wealth funds).

Human Rights Policy
GABRICH Group supports and respects the protection of internationally recognized human rights. We promote adherence to and respect for human rights principles in our areas of operation and will not be complicit in human rights abuses.

GABRICH Group will therefore:
Include consideration of human rights issues in our Social Impact Assessment work; and
Develop a community grievance mechanism that is accessible, responsive, safe, transparent and predictable.

GABRICH Group will seek to advance best practice with host governments, partners, contractors and security providers.

Social Responsibility
GABRICH Group is highly committed to ensuring that we don’t just take from the communities we work in, but re-invest into and develop those local communities. It is our Ethics and integrity that are at the heart of all we do.

We believe in Empowering Communities, networking, knowledge transfer, sharing technological platforms. We are committed to developing innovative solutions that harness renewable resources through recycling of wastes and minimize environmental impact. Our team is dedicated to creating a positive change by utilizing cutting-edge technologies and sustainable practices. We strive to lead the way towards a greener and cleaner future for the generations to come. We are creating positive impact in all continents.

Risk Management
GABRICH Group recognize that there are many uncertainties that face us in our businesses in regards to fluctuations in the market, projects, legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, and even natural disasters.

Our team are constantly identifying, assessing and monitoring these threats to minimize the risk and its impact. This allows us to maximize our performance and the opportunities that are presented to us.

Our guiding principles are
To make safety personal
To lead by example
To Work as a team, listen to everyone
To find a better way
To deliver our promises, aim to exceed
To deliver our plans